Cam Convos of the Day

  1. If and when a cam girl tells you that she is sad or in a bit of a rut and may or may not need some cheering up or distracting, that does NOT mean you should offer her sex as a tissue. I know it’s hard to sometimes think about anything other than yourself, but when you see real emotion, quit trying to slip your dick into it.
  2. The discussion got heated when the topic of Victoria’s Secret came up and how the company just doesn’t like fat people. After much back and forth, it was decided that the only available option would be for me to learn how to sew so that I can create a line of panties that will look exactly like the one’s they sell in VS just in a bigger size for the 60% of the female population that have some goddamn meat on their bones.
  3. I think the most important thing we touched on today is how even though you will run into an occasional dip shit…there is still good in this community. And when it comes into your life, it is magical.

Thank you to every one who has rallied with me during my moodiness and stuck by me even when I’m a confusing cunt.

I love everything about you, fuckers!!


One Comments

  • Mike

    August 19, 2017

    Monee, when you rant or share your life it only draws me closer. Men need to listen more.


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